Born and raised in Michigan.

  • Lives and works in Asheville, North Carolina.

  • Attended Adrian College, Michigan State University, UNC Asheville.

  • Enjoyed a 40-year career in the nonprofit sector, including fifteen years as an independent consultant in fundraising and leadership development

My creative efforts come from a lifelong desire to make things. As soon as I could use a machine, I began sewing. I first made clothing, then quilts. Years of sewing taught me about color, pattern, and precision. And about overcoming failure with perseverance.  Along the way, I became interested in paper. I began making hand-crafted journals and taught myself to make boxes. At a local university, I ventured into art courses in drawing and design. I began to develop an eye for design and personal expression. Photographic images are the mainstay of my work in prints, portfolios, and boxes.

I am currently intrigued with creating monoprints with photographic images transferred onto akua ink layers.  At the moment, I am also intrigued with concertina books nestled into their own boxes.